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The cerambycid "blue bug" beetle (Rosalia alpina) replicated woodpile counts from the hills around Movelier in the Swiss Jura mountains by Michaeal Schaub in 2009 from Kery & Schaub (2011 p.427-428).




A data frame with 27 rows and 21 columns


The variables are as follows:

  • site the site (woodpile).

  • siteno the site number (w.

  • forest_edge a indicator variable for whether or not the site was on the edge of the forest.

  • det1, det2, ..., det6 the larval count by visit.

  • date1, date2, ..., date6 the date by visit.

  • h1, h2, ..., h6 the hours in the afternoon by visit.


Kery M & Schaub M (2011) Bayesian Population Analysis using WinBUGS. Academic Press. (