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The Swiss coal tit (Parus ater) annual territory counts from the Swiss breeding bird survey MHB from 1999 to 2007.




A data frame with 235 rows and 31 columns


The variables are as follows:

  • site the site code (factor with 235 levels).

  • spec the species (factor with one level = "Coaltit").

  • elevation the elevation im masl (integer).

  • forest the percent forest cover (integer).

  • y1999, y2000, ..., y2007 the site count by year (integer).

  • obs1999, obs2000, ..., obs2007 the observer code by year (integer).

  • first1999, first2000, ..., first2007 the first-time observer indicator by year (integer with two values 0 or 1).


Kery M & Schaub M Bayesian Population Analysis using WinBUGS. Academic Press. (