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Checks values and S3 class of an atomic object.


check_values(x, values, x_name = NULL)



The object to check.


An atomic vector specifying the S3 class and possible values.


A string of the name of object x or NULL.


An informative error if the test fails or an invisible copy of x.


To check the class simply pass a vector of the desired class.

To check that x does not include missing values pass a single non-missing value (of the correct class).

To allow it to include missing values include a missing value.

To check that it only includes missing values only pass a missing value (of the correct class).

To check the range of the values in x pass two non-missing values (as well as the missing value if required).

To check that x only includes specific values pass three or more non-missing values.

In the case of a factor ensure values has two levels to check that the levels of x are an ordered superset of the levels of value and three or more levels to check that they are identical.

See also


check_values(1, numeric(0))
check_values(1, 2)
try(check_values(1, 1L))
#> Error in check_values(1, 1L) : `1` must inherit from S3 class 'integer'.
try(check_values(NA_real_, 1))
#> Error in check_values(NA_real_, 1) : 
#>   `NA_real_` must not have any missing values.