Default parameter descriptions which may be overridden in individual functions.
- ...
Other arguments passed to methods.
- alpha
The first shape parameter of the Beta distribution.
- beta
The second shape parameter of the Beta distribution.
- conf_level
A numeric scalar between 0 and 1 specifying the confidence level.
- directional
A flag specifying whether probabilities less than 0.5 should be returned as negative values.
- lambda
A non-negative numeric vector of means.
- log
A flag specifying whether to return the log-transformed value.
- lower.tail
A flag specifying whether to return the lower or upper tail of the distribution.
- mean
A numeric vector of the means.
- meanlog
A numeric vector of the means on the log scale.
- n
A non-negative whole number of the number of random samples to generate.
- na_rm
A flag specifying whether to remove missing values.
- nas
A flag specifying whether to also fill missing values.
- p
A vector of probabilities.
- prob
A numeric vector of values between 0 and 1 of the probability of success.
- q
A vector of quantiles.
- rate
A non-negative numeric vector of rate.
- res
A flag specifying whether to return the deviance residual as opposed to the deviance.
- sd
A non-negative numeric vector of the standard deviations.
- sd_mult
A non-negative multiplier on the standard deviation of the distribution.
- sdlog
A non-negative numeric vector of the standard deviations on the log scale.
- shape
A non-negative numeric vector of shape.
- simulate
A flag specifying whether to simulate residuals.
- size
A non-negative whole numeric vector of the number of trials.
- theta
A non-negative numeric vector of the dispersion for the mixture models (student, gamma-Poisson and beta-binomial).
- threshold
A number of the threshold value.
- type
A string of the residual type. 'raw' for raw residuals 'dev' for deviance residuals and 'data' for the data.
- value
A scalar of the value to replace values with.
- x
An object.