Official raw BC Conservation Data Centre (CDC) fish data.



A tbl data frame that includes:

Species Code

A character vector of the unique data centre fish code.

BC List

A character vector of the BC Conservation Listing.


The search criteria were Fish, Freshwater OR Fish, Marine and the sort order was Scientific Name Ascending.

The data is released under the Open Government Licence - British Columbia


B.C. Conservation Data Centre. 2019. BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer. B.C. Minist. of Environ. Victoria, B.C. Available: (accessed Aug 23, 2019).

See also

Other fishcodes: ab, freshwaterfish


#> # A tibble: 6 × 45
#>   `Scientific Name` Scientific Name Syno…¹ `English Name` English Name Synonym…²
#>   <chr>             <chr>                  <chr>          <chr>                 
#> 1 Acantholiparis c… NA                     Fanged Snailf… NA                    
#> 2 Acantholiparis o… NA                     Spiny Snailfi… NA                    
#> 3 Acipenser mediro… NA                     Green Sturgeon NA                    
#> 4 Acipenser transm… NA                     White Sturgeon NA                    
#> 5 Acipenser transm… NA                     White Sturgeo… NA                    
#> 6 Acipenser transm… NA                     White Sturgeo… NA                    
#> # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​`Scientific Name Synonyms`, ²​`English Name Synonyms`
#> # ℹ 41 more variables: `Species Code` <chr>, `Element Code` <chr>,
#> #   `Global Status` <chr>, `Global Status Review Date` <chr>,
#> #   `Prov Status` <chr>, `Prov Status Review Date` <chr>,
#> #   `Prov Status Change Date` <chr>, COSEWIC <chr>, `COSEWIC Comments` <chr>,
#> #   `BC List` <chr>, `Provincial FRPA` <chr>, `Land Use Objectives` <lgl>,
#> #   Ecosection <lgl>, `Prov Wildlife Act` <lgl>, GOERT <lgl>, MBCA <lgl>, …