Freshwater Atlas Locate Along Interval
Gets a regularly spaced set of points between two river metres.
interval_length = 100,
start_measure = 0,
end_measure = NULL,
bbox = NULL,
properties = NULL,
transform = NULL,
epsg = 4326,
nocache = getOption("fwa.nocache", FALSE)
- blue_line_key
A positive whole number of the stream blue line key.
- interval_length
An integer of the interval distance in meters.
- start_measure
An integer of the distance in meters upstream from the river mouth to start from.
- end_measure
An integer of the distance in meters upstream from the river mouth to end at.
- bbox
A vector of four numbers indicating bounding box to limit output features to, e.g.
c(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat)
.- properties
A vector of strings of the column names to include. If NULL (default), all columns are retained.
- transform
A character vector with the name of the valid transform function followed by the parameter values (e.g. c("ST_Simplify", 100))
- epsg
A positive whole number of the epsg to transform features to.
- nocache
A flag specifying whether or not to cache results.
See also
Other functions:
fwa_locate_along_interval(356308001, interval_length = 10, start_measure = 0)
#> Simple feature collection with 1924 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension: XYZ
#> Bounding box: xmin: -122.0155 ymin: 49.11263 xmax: -121.8697 ymax: 49.16804
#> z_range: zmin: 7.5 zmax: 214.8791
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A data frame: 1,924 × 3
#> downstream_route_measure index geometry
#> * <int> <int> <POINT [°]>
#> 1 0 0 Z (-122.0155 49.16804 9.626)
#> 2 10 1 Z (-122.0154 49.16795 9.643175)
#> 3 20 2 Z (-122.0154 49.16787 9.660349)
#> 4 30 3 Z (-122.0153 49.16778 9.677524)
#> 5 40 4 Z (-122.0153 49.1677 9.694698)
#> 6 50 5 Z (-122.0152 49.16762 9.711873)
#> 7 60 6 Z (-122.0152 49.16753 9.729048)
#> 8 70 7 Z (-122.0151 49.16745 9.746222)
#> 9 80 8 Z (-122.0151 49.16736 9.763397)
#> 10 90 9 Z (-122.015 49.16728 9.780571)
#> # ℹ 1,914 more rows