Query Freshwater Atlas Collection
, R/query-collection.R
Query a collection from the freshwater atlas.
filter = NULL,
limit = 10000,
bbox = NULL,
properties = NULL,
transform = NULL,
epsg = 4326,
nocache = getOption("fwa.nocache", FALSE)
filter = NULL,
limit = 10000,
offset = 0,
bbox = NULL,
properties = NULL,
transform = NULL,
sortby = NULL,
groupby = NULL,
epsg = 4326,
nocache = getOption("fwa.nocache", FALSE)
- collection_id
A character string of the collection id.
- filter
A named vector or list of the filter(s) to apply, where the list names correspond to column names and the list values correspond to the desired value, e.g.
list(gnis_name = "Sangan River")
.- limit
A positive whole number indicating the maximum number of features to return.
- bbox
A vector of four numbers indicating bounding box to limit output features to, e.g.
c(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat)
.- properties
A vector of strings of the column names to include. If NULL (default), all columns are retained.
- transform
A character vector with the name of the valid transform function followed by the parameter values (e.g. c("ST_Simplify", 100))
- epsg
A positive whole number of the epsg to transform features to.
- nocache
A flag specifying whether or not to cache results.
- offset
A positive whole number indicating the offset of start of returned results.
- sortby
A string that sorts the response items by a property. Default is ascending but property name can be prepended with '-' to indicate descending.
- groupby
A string of the property name (i.e., column name) to group response features by. This would typically be used with an aggregate transform function.
See also
Other collections:
collection_id <- "whse_basemapping.fwa_approx_borders"
filter <- list(border = "USA_49")
fwa_query_collection(collection_id, filter = filter)
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -123.3 ymin: 49.00024 xmax: -114.06 ymax: 49.00025
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A data frame: 1 × 3
#> approx_border_id border geometry
#> * <dbl> <chr> <LINESTRING [°]>
#> 1 10 USA_49 (-123.3 49.00025, -123.29 49.00025, -123.28 49.00025,…
collection_id <- "whse_basemapping.fwa_stream_networks_sp"
filter <- list(gnis_name = "Sangan River")
fwa_query_collection(collection_id, filter = filter)
#> Simple feature collection with 21 features and 26 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension: XYZ
#> Bounding box: xmin: -131.9972 ymin: 53.94994 xmax: -131.9168 ymax: 54.0332
#> z_range: zmin: 1 zmax: 67
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A data frame: 21 × 27
#> blue_line_key blue_line_key_50k downstream_route_mea…¹ edge_type feature_code
#> * <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 360879896 130 16588. 1000 GA24850140
#> 2 360879896 11 1266. 1000 GA24850000
#> 3 360879896 130 17516. 1050 GA24850140
#> 4 360879896 11 13068. 1000 GA24850000
#> 5 360879896 11 6808. 1000 GA24850000
#> 6 360879896 11 7384. 1000 GA24850000
#> 7 360879896 11 13911. 1000 GA24850000
#> 8 360879896 11 13776. 1000 GA24850000
#> 9 360879896 11 12161. 1000 GA24850000
#> 10 360879896 11 4721. 1000 GA24850000
#> # ℹ 11 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹downstream_route_measure
#> # ℹ 22 more variables: feature_source <chr>, fwa_watershed_code <chr>,
#> # gnis_id <int>, gnis_name <chr>, gradient <dbl>, left_right_tributary <chr>,
#> # length_metre <dbl>, linear_feature_id <int>, local_watershed_code <chr>,
#> # localcode_ltree <chr>, stream_magnitude <dbl>, stream_order <dbl>,
#> # upstream_route_measure <dbl>, waterbody_key <chr>, …