Add Point to Stream Measure to Point
Adds geometry for stream measure in m based on the blue line key (blk) as well as the proportion of the stream measure along the stream (proportion). If proportion is >= 1 then the geometry is the top of the stream.
An updated version of x with numeric column proportion giving the proportion of the stream measure along the stream and a geometry column.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
watershed <- fwa_add_watershed_to_blk(data.frame(blk = 356308001, rm = 1000))
network <- fwa_add_collection_to_polygon(watershed)
network$blk <- network$blue_line_key
streams <- fwa_join_stream_segments(network)
points <- fwa_add_rms_to_blk(data.frame(blk = 356308001))
points <- fwa_snap_stream_measure_to_point(points, streams)
points <- points[c("blk", "stream_measure")]
fwa_add_point_to_stream_measure(points, streams)
} # }