Poisson Consulting Shiny Upload App User Guide

How to Upload Excel Punched Data


  1. Access the app
  2. Download the template
  3. Fill in the template with your data
  4. Upload your data to the app
  5. Submit data to Poisson

Help Buttons

There are help buttons in the app that can be clicked on to provide the instructions for usage, look for the question marks in a blue circle. The Submit Data help button provides general information for using the tab. The help buttons at each step provide specific details for that step.

download button

Detailed Instructions

1. Access the App

Use the link that was provided to you by email. If you have not received it or do not have the correct permissions to access the link then contact Poisson for assistance.

2. Download the Template

To download the template press the download button. This will download an excel file of the table in the Required data format box, each tab will be a separate sheet in the excel file.

download button

3. Fill in the Template with your Data

  1. Review the Required data format to understand what rules and checks the data will under go before submission to Poisson. Not all projects will have all the rows present in the template. If the rules and checks do not align with the data please contact Poisson immediately to discus your data format and if changes are needed to the template.

required data format

  1. In the downloaded template file remove the required data format information by deleting the name column and associated rows ( description, example, constraint, etc).

remove helper rows

  1. Once you only have the variable headers remaining start to fill in the template with your data.

template filled in

Data Entry Tips for Success:

4. Upload your Data to the App

Press the Browse button to upload your data into the app. If the data is uploaded to the app you will see it appear in the Uploaded data box (top right).

uploading data to app

If there is an issue with the template format a pop up box will appear and provide an error message for why it can not be uploaded to the app. If this occurs you will need to correct the error and then re-upload the file.

error when uploading data to app

5. Submit Data to Poisson

Once the data has been uploaded to the app, submit the data to Poisson by pressing the Submit button. Before the data is submitted the data format is checked and will notify you if there are any values that do not follow the Required data format rules.

When the data follows all the required rules a blue page will appear letting you know the data is being uploaded and will return to a restarted app.

submit data to Poisson

If any values violate the rules and checks a box will pop up indicating what needs to be corrected. The data is not submitted in this case, as all errors need to be corrected before the data will be successfully submitted. Go to the excel file, make the correction, upload and submit the file again. This may take a few tries if you have multiple errors in your file as the app stops as soon as it hits the an error and will only display one error at a time.

If you do not understand the message provided or are unable to locate the error then contact Poisson. Send an email with a screen shot of the app page with the pop up box message and the data set attached.

trying to submit data but hit error

If you Submit the Wrong Data

In the case you upload the wrong data set or duplicated data then contact Poisson to notify them of the incorrect data submission.