Provides a summary of yearly population growth (\(\lambda\)) estimates from simulations.
The return object has these columns:
Population name
Year sampled
Estimated survival
Estimated recruitment
Estimated population growth (lambda)
Percentile 95% confidence limits
Percentile 95% confidence limits
Proportion simulations where lambda>1
Mean simulated survival value
Mean simulated recruitment value
Mean simulated population growth (lambda) value
Median simulated population growth (lambda) value
A data frame generated by bbr_growth()
A data frame. The columns are listed in the format section.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
recruitment_est <- bbr_recruitment(bboudata::bbourecruit_a)
survival_est <- bbr_survival(bboudata::bbousurv_a)
growth_est <- bbr_growth(survival_est, recruitment_est)
} # }