• Same as previous version.
  • Fix HTML attribute.
  • Clarify back-compatibility with slobs (serialized blobs) instead of blobs.
  • Added chk_blob() and vld_blob().
  • unflob() now accommodates blobs if name and ext provided and has a check argument to switch off checking.
  • Replace dependency on checkr by dependency on chk.
  • Errors now in tidyverse style.

By default flobs now include the original file name with the extension.

To read with a different file name use the name argument to flob(). The saved file name can be accessed using flob_name().

To write with a different file name use the name argument to unflob().

If the flob was read using a previous version of flobr which means it lacks a file name then by default it is written with the file name “file”.

  • Added flob_obj
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.