Parameter descriptions
An object.
A logical scalar specifying whether to include all parameters (NULL), only scalars (TRUE) or all parameters except scalars (FALSE).
A logical scalar specifying whether to provide the parameters for each term.
A flag specifying whether to also fill missing values.
A positive integer of the thinning rate.
A string indicating whether to determine by "term", "parameter" or "all".
A flag indicating whether to return the results as a data frame versus a named list.
A function that given a numeric vector returns a numeric scalar.
flag specifying whether to bind mcmcrs objects by their chains before calculating rhat.
The maximum rhat value.
The minimum effective sampling rate.
A flag specifying whether to ignore missing values.
A character vector (or NULL) of the parameters to subset by.
An integer vector (or NULL) of the iterations to subset by.
a second MCMC object.
A string of the name of the object.
A flag indicating whether to throw an informative error or immediately generate an informative message if the check fails.
A flag specifying whether the parameters must be sorted.
The MCMC object to get the coefficients for
A number specifying the confidence level. By default 0.95.
The function to use to calculate the estimate.
A flag specifying whether to return just the estimate, lower, upper and svalue.
A integer vector of the new order for the parameter dimensions.
A character vector (or NULL) of the pars to zero.
A string specifying the parameter name.