Knit Report
Makes a results .Rmd file of the tables, code blocks and plots (and windows) and knits it into a .html file and opens in the default web browser.
file = "results",
report = sbr_get_report(),
sub = character(0),
main = subfoldr2::sbf_get_main(),
quiet = FALSE,
browse = TRUE
- file
A string of the file name(s) without an extension.
- report
A string of the directory to save the tables, code blocks and plots.
- sub
A string specifying the path to the sub folder (by default the current sub folder).
- main
A string specifying the path to the main folder (by default the current main folder)
- quiet
An option to suppress printing during rendering from knitr, pandoc command line and others. To only suppress printing of the last "Output created: " message, you can set
- browse
A flag specifying whether to open the .html file in a web browser.