Makes a results .Rmd file of the tables, code blocks and plots (and windows) and knits it into a .html file and opens in the default web browser.
file = "results",
report = sbr_get_report(),
sub = character(0),
main = subfoldr2::sbf_get_main(),
quiet = FALSE,
browse = TRUE
A string of the file name(s) without an extension.
A string of the directory to save the tables, code blocks and plots.
A string specifying the path to the sub folder (by default the current sub folder).
A string specifying the path to the main folder (by default the current main folder)
An option to suppress printing during rendering from knitr,
pandoc command line and others. To only suppress printing of the last
"Output created: " message, you can set rmarkdown.render.message
A flag specifying whether to open the .html file in a web browser.
An invisible path to the .Rmd file.