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subreport is an R package to generate .html results reports and custom markdown for tables, figures (plots, windows and png files) and (code) blocks saved using the subfoldr2 package.

The sbr_knit_results() function allows the user to view a .html report with all the tables, figures and blocks while the sbr_tables(), sbr_figures() and sbr_blocks() functions produce markdown code complete with headings, numbered labels and captions of their respective objects.

The sbr_n() and sbr_s() functions allow numbers and strings to be inserted into .Rmd reports.



sbf_set_main(tempdir(), "output")
sbr_set_report(tempdir(), "report")

y <- data.frame(t = 2, comment = "blah blah")
sbf_save_table(y, sub = "Factoids", caption = "A really interesting summary")

#> #### Factoids
#> Table 1. A really interesting summary.
#> |  t|comment   |
#> |--:|:---------|
#> |  2|blah blah |


To install the latest development version from GitHub repository

# install.packages("remotes")


Please report any issues.

Pull requests are always welcome.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the subreport project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.