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  • gss() now only ignores end truncation by default.

  • Switching to dplyr as duckplyr is undergoing some updates (#33).

teckfish 0.5.0

  • Added date_atus() from gsdd package to calculate the date on which a specified number of accumulated thermal units are exceeded.
  • gss_plot() now has min_length = 60 by default.

teckfish 0.4.0

  • Added gss_plot() to plot temperature time series and season(s).

teckfish 0.3.0

  • Added gss() function from gsdd package to calculate growing seasons.

teckfish 0.2.1

  • Set lower default min_length = 120 for gsdd_cf().

teckfish 0.2.0

  • Added gsdd() and gdd() to calculate Growing Season Degree Days and Growing Degree Days for a data frame for longest season (following decision by Ecofish and Lotic).
  • Soft-deprecated gsdd_cf() for gsdd::gsdd_vctr() which both calculate Growing Season Degree Days for a vector.
  • Removed simulated_data.

teckfish 0.1.0


  • Added interpolate_numeric_vector() function to fill in missing values using linear interpolation.
  • Added freshwaterfish data from fishbc package to provide British Columbian and Alberta fish codes as well as taxonomy and conservation status.


gsdd_cf() Function

  • Uses the longest sequence on non-missing values, which must be at least 184 elements (otherwise returns NA), to calculate the Growing Season Degree Days.
  • Returns the sum of the Growing Season Degree Days for all the growing ‘seasons’ although the user can use the pick argument to specify whether to instead return the GSDD value for the "biggest", "smallest", "longest", "shortest", "first" or "last" ‘season’ within the sequence.
  • ignore_truncation argument of gssd_cf() now accepts "start" and "end" instead of "left" and "right".
  • Replaced quiet = FALSE argument with msgs = TRUE.

teckfish 0.0.1

  • Added gsdd_cf() function which implements Growing Season Degree Days algorithm as described by Coleman and Fausch (2007)
  • Added classify_water_temp_data() function to classify raw water temperature data as reasonable, questionable, or unreasonable based on simple criteria
  • Added simulated_data data set.