A prior distribution represents the existing uncertainty in the value of an unknown parameter. The influence of a prior on the posterior distribution will decrease as the number of observations increases. bboutools uses weakly informative priors by default [@gelman_prior_2017; @mcelreath_statistical_2016].

If the user is interested in fitting models without priors, see bb_fit_recruitment_ml() and bb_fit_survival_ml(), which have identical models but use a frequentist approach (Maximum Likelihood) to parameter estimation. Models fit with Maximum Likelihood are equivalent to Bayesian models with completely uninformative priors [@mcelreath_statistical_2016].


Given the full model, the expected survival probability for the ithi^{th} year and jthj^{th} month is logit(Survival[i,j])=b0+bAnnual[i]+bMonth[j]+bYearYear[i]\text{logit}(Survival[i,j]) = b0 + bAnnual[i] + bMonth[j] + bYear \cdot Year[i] Where bAnnualbAnnual can be a fixed or random effect of categorical year on the intercept on the log-odds scale and YearYear is the scaled continuous year.

This model has the following default priors in bboutools

  • Intercept (log-odds scale) b0Normal(3,sd=10)b0 \sim Normal(3, sd = 10)
  • Year fixed effect bAnnual[i]Normal(0,sd=10)bAnnual[i] \sim Normal(0, sd = 10)
  • Year random effect

$$sAnnual \sim Exponential(1) \\ bAnnual \sim Normal(0, sd = sAnnual)$$

  • Month random effect $$sMonth \sim Exponential(1)\\ bMonth \sim Normal(0, sd = sMonth)$$

  • Year continuous effect bYearNormal(0,sd=2)bYear \sim Normal(0, sd = 2)


Given the full model, the expected recruitment (calves per adult female) for the ithi^{th} year is logit(Recruitment[i])=b0+bAnnual[i]+bYearYear[i]logit(Recruitment[i]) = b0 + bAnnual[i] + bYear \cdot Year[i] where bAnnualbAnnual can be a fixed or random effect of categorical year on the intercept on the log scale and YearYear is the scaled continuous year.

The model has the following default priors in bboutools

  • Intercept (log-odds scale) b0Normal(1,sd=5)b0 \sim Normal(-1, sd = 5)

  • Categorical year fixed effect bAnnual[i]Normal(0,sd=5)bAnnual[i] \sim Normal(0, sd = 5)

  • Categorical year random effect $$sAnnual \sim Exponential(1)\\ bAnnual \sim Normal(0, sd = sAnnual)$$

  • Continuous year effect bYearNormal(0,sd=2)bYear \sim Normal(0, sd = 2)

The recruitment model can also estimate the adult female proportion from observed Cows and Bulls Cows=adult_female_proportion(Cows+Bulls)Cows = adult\_female\_proportion \cdot (Cows + Bulls) Where the default prior for adult_female_proportionadult\_female\_proportion has a mode of 65% adult_female_proportionBeta(65,35)adult\_female\_proportion \sim Beta(65, 35)

Prior selection and influence

As an example of the influence of priors on parameter estimates, we tighten the standard deviation for the fixed effect of categorical year on the intercept of monthly survival probability. The equivalent maximum likelihood model is also fit for comparison.

data <- bboudata::bbousurv_c

# force model to fit fixed year effect, use default priors
fit <- bb_fit_survival(data,
  min_random_year = Inf,
  quiet = TRUE

# tighten prior on bAnnual by changing SD from default 10 to 1
fit_prior <- bb_fit_survival(data,
  min_random_year = Inf, quiet = TRUE,
  priors = c("bAnnual_sd" = 1)

# fit maximum likelihood model for comparison
fit_ml <- bb_fit_survival_ml(data,
  min_random_year = Inf,
  quiet = TRUE

The Bayesian model with vague priors (default) has annual survival estimates that closely match the Maximum Likelihood estimates, whereas the Bayesian model with a tighter prior on the year fixed effect standard deviation results in estimates that are pulled in toward the mean. If this behaviour is desirable (i.e., to place less trust in extreme estimates), a model with a year random effect can be fit.

As another example, the user might strongly believe (i.e., based on literature or biological understanding) that the true adult female proportion is 65%. We compare estimates from very informative, informative (default) and vague priors on adult_female_proportionadult\_female\_proportion, along with the maximum likelihood estimates.

data <- bboudata::bbourecruit_c
fit <- bb_fit_recruitment(data,
  adult_female_proportion = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE

fit_inf <- bb_fit_recruitment(data,
  adult_female_proportion = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE,
  priors = c(
    "adult_female_proportion_alpha" = 650,
    "adult_female_proportion_beta" = 350

fit_vague <- bb_fit_recruitment(data,
  adult_female_proportion = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE,
  priors = c(
    "adult_female_proportion_alpha" = 1,
    "adult_female_proportion_beta" = 1

fit_ml <- bb_fit_recruitment_ml(data,
  adult_female_proportion = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE

As with the above example, the adult female proportion estimate for a Bayesian model with vague priors closely matches the Maximum Likelihood estimate, whereas the Bayesian model with informative prior gives less weight to the data.

The adult_female_proportionadult\_female\_proportion can also simply be fixed. See bb_fit_recruitment() for details.