• added rhat argument to glance() and converged() to adjust convergence threshold, with default value of 1.05. Convergence no longer depends on ess.
  • removed exclude_year argument in bb_fit_survival_ml() as failure to fit fixed year effect resolved with intercept adjustment.
  • provide warning to user if start of caribou year (year_start) not matching for survival and recruitment model fits in bb_predict_growth().
  • Moved internal data checking functions to be exported function in bboudata.
  • Updated bbtutorial vignette to mention the new data checking functions.
  • bb_fit_recruitment() will error if there are any NA values in the PopulationName, Year, Month and Day columns.
  • bb_fit_survival() will error if there are any NA values in the PopulationName, Year, Month, StartTotal, MortalitiesCertain and MortalitiesUncertain columns.

Added ‘Getting Started’ vignette.

Added functions:

Added arguments:

  • Switch MCMC engine from Jags to Nimble.
  • Added recruitment/survival Maximum Likelihood fit functions:
  • Added summary methods for Maximum Likelihood output with class ‘bboufit_ml’.
  • Changed how priors are passed to fit functions (e.g. priors = c(b0_mu = 4, b0_sd = 2) instead of priors = list(b0 = "dnorm(4, 2^-2)")).
  • Added argument sig_fig to coef()/tidy()/predict() methods to round estimates and lower/upper bounds to set significant figures.
  • bb_predict_growth() now handles different years and doesn’t return month.
  • Adjusted default priors.
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.